What about in-house development of software in the CAD business?

Faced with the specificities of certain processes and the diversity of needs expressed by companies using Computer Aided Design, the choice between developing an in-house IT solution or using specialised software can sometimes seem tendentious.
Each company imagines the perfect software that it can evolve according to the expression of its needs and the innovations it has to face.
What are the obstacles to develop an in-house CAD solution?
Until a few decades ago, many products dedicated to CAD simply did not exist, implying an investment by companies who chose to improve the productivity of their design offices by creating internal structures or by using subcontractors for specific developments.
Companies such as Schneider or Alstom have embarked on these processes, exposing them to real problems:
- Obligation to define a complete and detailed specification
- Deep language and business knowledge gaps on the part of developers
- The creation and maintenance of a dedicated team
- Very long development times that do not coincide with contractual obligations
- High cost of development procedures
- A lack of ergonomics, reliability and fluidity in the use of solutions
- Concerns about maintainability over time
All these disadvantages did not take into account the need to purchase expensive licences for software to support the CAD drawing solution, such as AutocadTM Pro, for example.a
How has the supply of CAD software evolved over the last 40 years?
Over the years, and faced with the failure to develop reliable and sustainable in-house IT solutions, alternatives have emerged through the intermediary of specialised companies that offer solutions that synthesise many of the problems expressed by customers and optimise ergonomics and business functions.
Since then, CAD software solutions have improved in performance and ergonomics to meet the needs of professionals in the sector.
In short, it is preferable today to opt for a business software offered by a specialist, at an affordable price, directly operational and offering a high quality service through training and hotline support.
With 40 years of experience, a solid background of CAD users and a team of developers who combine knowledge of electricity, piping and instrumentation with the latest development technologies, FTZ now offers high-performance schematic products such as SchemELECT, SchemBAT and SchemPID and the complementary 3D software FTZ-Panel 3D and FTZ-BIM.